Streets to Kitchen February Update

Streets to Kitchen February Update

Despite storms raging outside, the group was at maximum capacity for most of February. Course leader, Caroline, noticed a sense of real cohesion beginning to emerge, saying:

“The current group of learners is forming a real bond and supporting each other both during theclass and more generally. They come to the group as therapy, and enjoy laughing and having a nice time with no worries.”

Partipants also reported back that they were beginning to make good use of their new skills in the week. One client practised making white sauce again during the week, while another used the dough made in class to make bread in his accommodation, using it to make his own sandwiches all week.

Through learning to make dishes like Quiche Lorraine, lemon curd cake, tuna fishcakes and broccoli with Asian dressing, clients picked up new skills towards an ASDAN qualification, including stir-frying, steaming, knife skills and veg prep.

We’re still loving client comments; this month’s highlights include:

“The cauliflower cheese was to die for and I’ve made it again!”

“I cooked a fish pie this week. I never would have done that before this course – it has given me confidence.”

“I’m going to see if I can find out how my phone camera works so I can take photos of my soda bread.”