Streets to Kitchen October Update

A new term for the Streets to Kitchen project brought with it new students, two of whom were currently rough sleeping – the first week’s lesson provided not only good company, but a decent meal which did leftover for the following day too. One student asked for homework to keep her occupied during the week – surely the kind of request that’s only ever heard in adult education!
The new term also saw more focus on the ASDAN Foodwise qualification, meaning that participants can gather points towards a vocational qualification as they learn. Skills covered in October included veg prep, weighing and measuring, knife skills, kneading and proving and cooking methods.
The range of dishes expanded, whilst still focussing on balanced and affordable solutions such as cheesy leek tarts, stuffed peppers, red lentil soup, rhubarb and ginger layer puddings and apple pancakes.
Feedback from students continued to be overwhelmingly (in fact completely!) positive:
“I like the fact that St Mungo’s includes cooking in its activities; it gives me ideas for cooking so I don’t always buy stuff from the Tesco near me.”
“I’ve learned how to chop an onion and I think that’s really important. I’ve done it again.”
“My diet is dreadful at the moment; this will give me some ideas.”
You can donate to the latest fundraising campaign to keep the Streets to Kitchen course on track by visiting our Fundsurfer page.